Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I've been wanting to start a blog for months now, I was too lazy to make it possible though. I was inspired by to make this happen when a special person started her own blog. I wonder who that could be....

By the way, this would be my first blog, so i guess I owe you all an introduction. I go by the name Jeffrey, know by my close friends as Jeff and by my online friends as J3ff, Jeffo(i Know WTF scoot) and Candyman(Don't laugh, I'm serious). When i am asked where I'm from, i would always say "From the Future". Because of the time difference due to the geographical location of my country, oftentimes my time is ahead than theirs. So that would make me Futurese(my made up word)meaning man from the future. Hmmmmn... what else? Oh yeah, I'm 18 going 19, when i was writing this, and I share the same birthday as Michael Jackson(R.I.P.). I f you Google his birthday, let me know so that I'd expect presents from you. HA HA HA. Because of 333 years of Spanish Occupation in the Philippines, I'm about 12% Spanish but mostly Filipino. Even though most people I know thinks I'm more Spanish than Filipino. Its pretty unusual to stand 6'2" when you live in a country where the average height of men is only 5'4", but i guess I'm just lucky.

Did i mention I hate school? But I'm not dumb.... I get good grades.... Really... I swear....

I made this blog as an outlet of my thoughts so that they wouldn't just be locked up inside my head and will be of no use.

And if anything I'll write would be taken offensively in anyway, I'm Sorry. If you're not contented with just a sorry then...



Thanks for making me a part of your recovery. Evens Stevens?